Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Self-Induced Insomnia Rant

I haven't slept for some time now, and I'm in the stage where sounds develop colors to accompany them, so I thought: Why don't I make a blog post?! It should be fun, and it might help me stay awake.

Now, if you stumbled upon this blog by accident and you're not quite at the level of masochism the rest of my usual readers are at yet, turn back now. Please... Pretty please... With a Cherry on top... Sexy redhead one...

Let's see... What should I write about?

Oh, I know... Reality and relativity of said reality.

Have you ever had a feeling that you live in two or three different realities at once? In the past couple of years, I've grown overly sensitive to the changes in my environment. Whenever I travel to my parents' home, I feel I sort of "switched realities" and the reality of me, in my apartment shifts to being a hazy, dream-like state.

The same happens when I hang out with different people... I change, the feelings change.
Maybe it's because I throw on a different mask and I just sink too deep into the role... Who knows?

To be continued when I think about this some more. I don't want to bore whomever is reading this at the moment.

I hope I provoked some thought from you. Think about yourself, your reality, your masks and feel free to comment on this...

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